



※ 参加される方はお申込みフォームよりお申し込みください(2023年2月3日締め切り)。

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Colleen C. Schmuckal シュムコー、コリーン・クリスティナ (東京藝術大学 特別研究員)


Japanese Festival Music as "High Arts"?: How the shamisen part within Hanawa-bayashi can be satisfying as an independent piece of music




Hanawa-bayashi (Kazuno City, Akita Prefecture, Japan) is the only one of the three big hayashi festival musical genres that incorporates shamisen into the shinto ensemble of percussion and flutes, expanding the range of musical expression in comparison to its predecessors. However, in 2016, Hanawa-bayashi was registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage not for this musical uniqueness but instead for the construction of the festival floats; which features the taiko drum players walking on the ground. As the chairman of the Hanawa-bayashi festival, Masahide Tozawa, explained, it is because this festival music is transmitted aurally, and viewed as having little “high cultural art” value due to a relatively short recorded history, UNESCO overlooked the true heart of this festival; its music (Kazuno City, 2019).

The actual analysis of this music has generally overlooked one of the key instruments,  the shamisen, due to its socially complicated history, possible later addition, and lack of common representation within the hayashi genre as a whole. However, it is clear that through the pioneering efforts of the geinin shamisen performers, both historically and still today, the shamisen’s musical part was created through deep understanding of shamisen’s musical theory and practices, making the role and influence of the shamisen both complex and in need of more careful examination.

Through in-person fieldwork, interviews, and first-hand observations of Hanawa-bayashi since 2018, and participation in the actual festival, Funaba Float, in 2018, 2019, and 2022, the goal of this research is to create a more effective music analytical method from Hanawa-bayashi’s own inherent musical history, culture and performance practices. This will be done through analyzing how the addition of shamisen influences the musical practices of the percussion and flutes, as well as how the shamisen part feels “satisfying”: a statement made by many present day Hanawa geinin performers (Kazuno City, 2022). A concrete analysis of Hanawa-bayashi music is beneficial for legitimizing under-appreciated musics actively performed by communities today.



御坊祭の奉納芸能 ー  『御坊祭総合調査報告書』の刊行よりー


